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Create a new shell in a new console window. This window will become
the active one. The new shell inherits most attributes of the parent
shell like the current directory, stack size, prompt and so on.
However, it is completely independent of the parent shell.
The window belonging to the new shell may be specified by
using the WINDOW keyword.


WINDOW  --  Specification of the shell window

    X         --  number of pixels from the left edge of the screen
    Y         --  number of pixels from the top edge of the screen
    WIDTH     --  width of the shell window in pixels
    HEIGHT    --  height of the shell window in pixels
    TITLE     --  text to appear in the shell window's title bar
    AUTO      --  the window automatically appears when the
                  program needs input or output
    ALT       --  the window appears in the specified size
                  and position when the zoom gadget is clicked
    BACKDROP  --  the window is a backdrop window
    CLOSE     --  include a close gadget
    INACTIVE  --  the window is not made active when opened
    NOBORDER  --  the window is borderless, only the size,
                  depth and zoom gadgets are available
    NOCLOSE   --  the window has no close gadget
    NODEPTH   --  the window has no depth gadget
    NODRAG    --  the window cannot be drag; implies NOCLOSE
    NOSIZE    --  the window has no size gadget
    SCREEN    --  name of a public screen to open the window on
    SIMPLE    --  if the window is enlarged the text expands to
                  fill the available space
    SMART     --  if the window is enlarged the text will not
    WAIT      --  the window can only be closed by selecting
                  the close gadget or entering CTRL-\.

FROM    --  File to execute before resorting to normal shell
            operations. If nothing is specified S:Shell-Startup
            is used.

STACK   --  Size of stack to be used for new shell


NewShell "CON:10/10/640/480/My own shell/CLOSE"

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