Both CHAR (character) and WORD arguments allow to define a begin and an end
position in the original string. Words are strings separated by a SEPARATOR (a
space character (" ") is the default), which can also be a string.
Positions range is specified using numbers with the form "P1-P2", where "P1"
is the position of the first character (resp. word) to extract in the original
string, "-" is the hyphen-minus character, and "P2" is the position of the last
character (resp. word) to extract.
If only one position is supplied, then only one character (resp. word) is
extracted, unless the hyphen-minus character is supplied too: P- extracts a
string begining at the character (resp. word) at position P in the original
string until the end, and -P extracts a string starting at the beginning of the
original string, and ending with the character (resp. word) at position P in
the original string.
Example 1:
> Cut "A dummy sentence" CHAR 7
extract one character.
Example 2:
> Cut "A dummy sentence" CHAR 6-12
my sent
extract from character 6 to 12.
Example 3:
> Cut "A dummy sentence" CHAR -7
A dummy
extract from character 1 to 7 without specifying the beginning position.
Example 4:
> Cut "A dummy sentence" CHAR 12-
extract from character 12 of the string until the end.
Example 5:
> Cut "A dummy sentence" WORD 2 SEPARATOR "en"
extract the second word (using an user-defined separator).