WaitX will wait for a given amount of time and then it
will execute the given command.
D=DATE -- Waits until DATE has been reached
T=TIME -- Waits until TIME has been reached
YR=YEARS -- How many years to wait
MN=MONTHS -- How many months to wait
DY=DAYS -- How many days to wait
H=HOURS -- How many hours to wait
M=MINS -- How many minutes to wait
S=SECS -- How many seconds to wait
L=LOOP -- How many times to execute CMDLINE
A=ALWAYS -- Execute CMDLINE every set interval/time/date
V=VERBOSE -- Print extra info on what waitx is doing
Based on Public Domain WaitX:
Programming: Sigbjørn Skjæret <cisc@c2i.net>
Idea & Docs: Nicholas Stallard <snowy@netphile.de>
Will not return to prompt while waiting. This is intended.