AROS implementation statusReturn to Libraries
Status: Graphics.library | 85.11904761904762% |
| - Completed, | | - Needs some work, | | - Not implemented, | | - Amiga only | | - 100% = completeness score, 2008-07-31 = date of last update |
Original APIAddAnimOb | | AddBob | | AddFont | | AddVSprite | | AllocBitMap | | AllocDBufInfo | | AllocRaster | | AllocSpriteDataA | | AndRectRegion | | AndRegionRegion | | Animate | | AreaCircle | | AreaDraw | | AreaEllipse | | AreaEnd | | AreaMove | | AskFont | | AskSoftStyle | | AttachPalExtra | | AttemptLockLayerRom | | BestModeIDA | | BitMapScale | | BltBitMap | | BltBitMapRastPort | | BltClear | | BltMaskBitMapRastPort | | BltPattern | | BltTemplate | | CalcIVG | | CBump | | CEND | | ChangeExtSpriteA | | ChangeSprite | | ChangeVPBitMap | | CINIT | | ClearEOL | | ClearRectRegion | | ClearRegion | | ClearScreen | | ClipBlit | | CloseFont | | CloseMonitor | | CMOVE | | CoerceMode | | CopySBitMap | | CWAIT | | DisownBlitter | | DisposeRegion | | DoCollision | | Draw | | DrawEllipse | | DrawGList | | EraseRect | | ExtendFont | | FindColor | | FindDisplayInfo | | Flood | | FontExtent | | FreeBitMap | | FreeColorMap | | FreeCopList | | FreeCprList | | FreeDBufInfo | | FreeGBuffers | | FreeRaster | | FreeSprite | | FreeSpriteData | | FreeVPortCopLists | | GetAPen | | GetBitMapAttr | | GetBPen | | GetColorMap | | GetDisplayInfoData | | GetDrMd | | GetExtSpriteA | | GetGBuffers | | GetOPen | | GetRGB32 | | GetRGB4 | | GetRPAttrA | | GetSprite | | GetVPModeID | | GfxAssociate | | GfxFree | | GfxLookUP | | GfxNew | | InitArea | | InitBitMap | | InitGels | | InitGMasks | | InitMasks | | InitRastPort | | InitTmpRas | | InitView | | InitVPort | | LoadRGB32 | | LoadRGB4 | | LoadView | | LockLayerRom | | MakeVPort | | ModeNotAvailable | | Move | | MoveSprite | | MrgCop | | NewRegion | | NextDisplayInfo | | ObtainBestPenA | | ObtainPen | | OpenFont | | OpenMonitor | | OrRectRegion | | OrRegionRegion | | OwnBlitter | | PolyDraw | | QBlit | | QBSBlit | | ReadPixel | | ReadPixelArray8 | | ReadPixelLine8 | | RectFill | | ReleasePen | | RemBob | | RemFont | | RemIBob | | RemVSprite | | ScalerDiv | | ScrollRaster | | ScrollRasterBF | | ScrollVPort | | SetABPenDrMd | | SetAPen | | SetBPen | | SetChipRev | | SetCollision | | SetDrMd | | SetFont | | SetMaxPen | | SetOPen | | SetOutlinePen | | SetRast | | SetRGB32 | | SetRGB32CM | | SetRGB4 | | SetRGB4CM | | SetRPAttrA | | SetSoftStyle | | SetWriteMask | | SortGList | | StripFont | | SyncSBitMap | | Text | | TextExtent | | TextFit | | TextLength | | UCopperListInit | | UnlockLayerRom | | VBeamPos | | VideoControl | | WaitBlit | | WaitBOVP | | WaitTOF | | WeighTAMatch | | WriteChunkyPixels | | WritePixel | | WritePixelArray8 | | WritePixelLine8 | | XorRectRegion | | XorRegionRegion | |
Comments- Current sprint engine support on sprint #0 - mouse cursor