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Carry out all the commands in a block if a given conditional is true.
(A block is a run of command lines ended with an Else or EndIf
command.) For every If command there must be a corresponding EndIf.
If the condition is false, command execution will skip to the
corresponding Else of EndIf command.
NOT -- Negates the value of the condition
WARN -- True if the previous return code was greater
than or equal to 5.
ERROR -- True if the previous return code was greater
than or equal to 10.
FAIL -- True if the previous return code was greater
than or equal to 20.
EQ, GE, GT -- True if the first value is equal, greater than
or equal respectively greater than the second.
VAL -- Indicate that the comparison should treat the
strings as numerical values.
EXISTS <string> -- True if the file or directory <string> exists.
If 500 GT 200 VAL
echo "500 is greater than 200"
If EXISTS S:User-Startup
echo "User-Startup script found in S:"
Execute S:User-Startup
ERROR and FAIL will only be appropriate if the fail level of the
script is set via FailAt (the standard fail level is 10 and if any
return code exceeds or equals this value, the script will be aborted).