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Handles list of resident commands. Those commands will be
loaded once and then executed from memory.
Only pure commands can be made resident, i.e. they must
be re-entrant and re-executable. Such commands have the "P"
protection flag set.
If called without arguments it lists the resident commands.
NAME -- The reference name of the resident command. If no
name is given the filepart of the file argument
is used.
FILE -- The file name of the command. It must be an
absolute path.
REMOVE -- Deactivates a resident command.
ADD -- Adds multiple versions of the same command.
REPLACE -- If a resident command already exists, it will be
replaced. That's the default option.
FORCE -- Add commands which don't have the "P" bit set.
SYSTEM -- Adds a command to the system resident list. Those
commands can't be removed.